We give to ensure the future.

The need for philanthropic support of public education is more today than in any time in the history of this great country. Our children are not only competing for higher education and jobs with young people from the United States, but from countries throughout the world. We need to give our students and teachers the tools to succeed, and that is where the ECPSF comes in.
—Charles Grossklaus, Chair, Board of Trustees
Why Give
Learn why the ECPSF is necessary for value-added education.
Ways to Give
There are many ways to give: find the best method to fit your interests.
View our established funds dedicated to promoting learning, fun, and a future for our students.
Wish Lists
Learn how to help our schools by viewing their greatest wants/needs.
Leave a Legacy
Become a member of our legacy society: consider leaving a planned gift to the ECPSF.